Civilizations was established to produce the city’s future leaders. Accordingly, it aims to provide a wide-ranging experience to its students; and develop very specific skills required for leadership.

Civilizations is a transformative school. It takes students from diverse financial and ethnic backgrounds, and of diverse abilities, through to a common standard: it produces well-rounded, confident, curious and fully multilingual students who regard the world (and a fast changing one) as their playground.  

Civilizations requires its students to matriculate in 10 subjects ranging from German language to English Literature; it  ensures each student is coached in sports ranging from rollerblading to Gymnastics to Football. Every student, at some point, takes up every sport on offer.

Theatre and debate are recognized as key skills for leadership development. Accordingly, the school provides multiple opportunities every year for students to take part in these activities.

Finally, in order to help the students cope with the multiple challenges at the school, Civilizations limits class sizes to lower twenties.

Civilizations is a taxing and expensive school. We believe that our children require this investment in order to produce the enlightened leadership of the future.